A video explaining the journey we took to bring you Jona.
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Jona Team
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Science is increasingly showing that the key to many health conditions and symptoms lies in understanding the microbiome. So we believe to advance the future of health science, we need to deepen our knowledge of the microbiome, which is still in its infancy.
Our platform exists to encourage a deeper understanding of the world within us by decoding the complex microbiome and connecting it to everyday human health. We use AI to explore the microbiome frontier, revealing the relationship between the microbiome and overall health to guide individuals, providers, and scientists toward discovery and action.
We have built our advanced technology from personal experiences, dissatisfaction with the status quo, and immense wonder of the human microbiome. No human can keep up with the fast growing body of microbiome knowledge, but with the help of AI our platform utilizes the entire scientific literature on the microbiome to analyze samples and provide personalized recommendations in lifestyle and diet to better individuals’ health.
Learn more about our story and how we built Jona here 👇
This is just the beginning. Jona’s technology and testing are fueling clinicians and researchers to better understand the importance of the gut microbiome and address complex health conditions in the human body — and we look forward to continuing to pioneer the future of microbiome technology alongside our science advisory board, providers, team, and community.
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